English Language Challenges

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About my experience learning English at this first semester of university, I could say that it has been really different from my old school, then I didn’t make speaking tests or conversations in English, only written or listening tests, but it wasn’t bad, I still could learn a lot of the language and that’s why I started in the last level at university, the test to know in what level you get doesn’t measure your ability to speak the language so it was really easy for me.
Writing my own thoughts in a subject and reading other ones through the use of blogs has been really fun for me, but also difficult because I’m not used to write in general, even in Spanish, but little by little it has become easier for me. But I think that some topics of the blogs could be about chemistry or science, since we have to know how to read scientific papers that are mostly in English.
The aspects of my English that need to be improved are my pronunciation, because when I talk I get very nervous and it costs me a little to speak without sounding like Sofia Vergara, to do this I just need to feel more confident and don’t worry too much about it. And I need to improve my expansion in talking situations or for example writing, like I said before it costs me even when I speak my native language, I think for that I need to talk more with people, either in English or Spanish.
These days I’m using English to read papers for the university and watching series without subtitles.


  1. I think the same as you, english here has been very different from my school


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