My favorite film and book

Generally, I enjoy a lot to watch movies, either online or at the cinema. In fact, I go to the cinema at least once a week with my family or my boyfriend.
In all the films, my favorite is Spirited Away, it was made for Hayao Miyazaki, he also is my favorite director, because all of his movies have this special thing of worrying about the little details.
This film was made in 2001, so I've watched it as a little with my best friend at the time. We were obsessed and watched it every time we could.
In spite of beimg an animated movie, I wouldn't considerate it as a childish film, it has a lot of details and metaphors that I couldn't see as a kid, that's why I recommend it.
I really like the great adventure tha inmersers you and the esthetic.

I don't read much as I watch films, but my favorite book is A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess. I've read it when I was 14 years old, and it was a little different for me because I generally read book about feminism.
I have to say that it's not for anyone sensitive about violence, the entire book is about that.
I think many people has watched the movie by Stanley Kubrik, because it's very popular, but I prefer the book. It has a different ending because Kubrik supressed the last chapter, and it has other perspective about the main character (Alex DeLarge). So for those who had only watched the movie, I recomend them to read the book too.
I find really atractive about this book that it has a created language called nadsat, I think that makes it uique.
"To devastate is easier and more spectacular than to create."


  1. great post, it sounds great i will see the film, i will read the book it sounds interesting

  2. I wanted to read the book long time ago, but I never had the right time, I hope I can read it soon.


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