In my opinion...

1. What is your opinion about women in the military?
Some people think that women should be obligated (like men) to participate in the military. I think that no one should be forced to participate, but it should be voluntary for everyone, omiting the gender of the person and obviously doing all the physical tests to get in.

2. What is your opinion about violence on television?
Violence on television shouldn’t be a problem depending on the way it is presented. For example, in the news always show violence like assaults, and it’s to report that to people. But if it’s for a entreteining reason it becomes really morbid.

3. What is your opinion about buying instead of adopting pets?
I think that buying pets is a way to objectify animals, they shouldn't be treated like furniture. Adopting animals is a way to give them a real home, and the pet industry is really cruel, once you buy your pet you can treat them with love but in the pet shop they can do whatever they want because they see them as an object.

4. What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?
As in the last question, I think animals shouldn’t be treated like furniture, and you can get exotic pets only by pet shops, it’s not like they are abandoned in the streets so you can’t adopt them.

5. What is your opinion about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?
In my opinion, I think abortion should be legal not only in the 3 cases, but it should be legal for every woman and person who could get pregnant (like trans men).
I obviously don’t say that every person should abort, it should be a decision for everyone and the control of their own bodies.

Resultado de imagen para aborto legal en chile
Free Abortion, For the right to decide.


  1. I also think that going to the military should be voluntary, I like the way you think.


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