Changes to my study programme

The changes that could be made on my study programme… I didn’t think of that before, because I chose my career by seeing this programme and “falling in love” with it, but nothing is perfect, obviously I don’t love all the signatures in it.
I study Chemistry in Universidad de Chile, so in the programme there’s a lot of chemistry and science related to that (like physics and math). If I could change anything I would like to add some biology to the programme, I think it’s important for us to know at least a little bit of biology.
This is a very personal change, but I would like that we didn’t have that much physics and mechanics, but I know they are important and are very related to the programme, I just have to get used to it.
If you think about it, technology changes all the time, so there is something I’d definitely change, we could have a signature every year that would show us the important changes in technology that year, so we can be more informated and try to apply them on our career.
I think we have all the faculty facilities we need, we have labs and libraries with a lot of useful books. Well, in the lab we are using this semester sometime we don’t have enough material so we have to make groups, but that’s not really a problem because we use that materials only for learning (for now).
I don’t complain about the teaching methods in my university, all my teachers watch over our learning.
I really like the programme as it is, and I hope it doesn't change much over time.

Resultado de imagen para quimica uchile


  1. I agree with you in having less math and physics

  2. I also like the programme a lot !

  3. yeah, i like the programme to

  4. I'd like to have more biology on the programme too!


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