Our heart and its mysteries

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An organ that's amazing to me is the heart. Most people would agree with me by saying that is the most important organ we own, we can't live without the heart. I know that we can't live without the other organs either, but I think keeping the heart healthy for us is a priority, because it's the organ that works most. 
The principal role it plays is taking care of getting blood to the rest of the organs of the body, trough a constant pumping.
It's located in the central region of the thorax, between the lungs.
The size the heart has is aproximely the same size as the fist, 12 cm large, 9 cm wide and 6 cm thick.
The illnesses that can alter its normal functioning are for example a heart attack, hypertension, high triglycerides, angina, arrhythmia, muscle fibrillation, heart failure and metabolic syndrome.
About heart attacks, they're produced by a clot that blocks the coronary arteries, which carry blood and oxygen to the heart. If the blood flow is not restored quickly, that part of the heart starts to die and the attack occurs, although it is technically a myocardial infarction. Some symptom that give us advice are pressure or pain on the chest, sleepy arms, back, neck, jaw and the upper stomach.
We can make out heart healhty by controling our blood pressure and cholesterol, not smoking, and doing enough excirse.
