Music in my life

The importance of music in my life is really big, and I think that’s for everyone I know. I mean, I don’t know anyone that doesn’t like music.
It’s difficult to decide of one kind of music that I like the most, because I like a lot of genres like rock, indie, blue wave, etc. But if I have to choose it will be pop. And yes, I know it’s pretty basic but I enjoy it a lot. In fact, I think that’s exactly why I choose that. When I’m studying I distract a lot and with pop is more easy because I don’t really pay attention to the lyrics or stuff.
An instrument I like a lot is the piano, I find it really attractive but I haven’t played in one yet. I’ve only played on keyboards but I think is fun and I don’t really complain about that. Another instrument that I like it’s the ukulele, I have one and is very relaxing to play it.
A singer that I like a lot is Lady Gaga, she’s very talented. I went to her concert in 2012 and it was really exciting.
When I was younger I liked Nsync, but now 
it went out of style.
The music of films that I remember are from the soundtrack of Ghostbusters. Who you gonna call?
