My future job

The kind of job I would like to have is in the chemistry area, but I don’t really know in what specifically. Sometimes I want to be a teacher (of chemistry) and dedícate my life in that, but then I think I’m not strong enough. An indoor job is perfect for me, especially if it’s for investigation because I would have to work in a lab, I don’t know what can I do on an outdoor job in the chemistry area, so I’ll search about that. I'm not really interested in travelling in my job, I only want to travel for vacations or for going to study, and I think travelling would be more stressful if it’s for job. When I think about my future I don’t pay much attention to the salary. Except if I think of a summer job that is obviously only for money, but I believe that if my future job is supossed to be what I like to do that’s the only thing that matters. Right now I’m studying Chemistry in Universidad de Chile, because when I was in school that was the only subject that motivated me, I understood it quickly and we had a very complete lab, so I wanted to keep studying it in the higher education. After finishing my studies, I don’t really know what I’ll be doing, but I hope that with the years and experience I’ll know.


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