A country I would like to visit :)

I'd like to visit so much countries, even cities from here (Chile) I haven't visited yet. But in all the places finally I choose one:
I'd like to visit Germany, the main reason is for the history that it has, I always want to learn more about the war history, specially if it's about Germany.
I think the culture that they have it's very interesting, it has a beautiful tourist places and the people in there are very respectful.
The first thing that I would like to do in there is going to the concentration camps (like Auschwitz) because it's a moral lesson for everyone to not commit the same mistakes. 

Also, I'd like to visit the museums about the WW2, to know the weapons and the uniforms. 

And for more relaxing things, I'd like to go to Berlin, Munich and Dortmund.

I wouldn't like to live in Germany, my interest it's only touristic, so study or work in there it's not in my plans neither.


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